Frequently Asked Questions

My vehicle was impounded. What do I need to do to get my vehicle released to me?

Any vehicle impounded by the police, with the exception of the Indiana State Police, will require that you obtain a release form from the agency that impounded the vehicle. You will need to provide us with the release form obtained by the police agency and appropriate fees owed on the vehicle.

Plainfield Police Department Requirements

Avon Police Department Requirements

Hendricks County Sheriffs Department Requirements – Call for requirements at 317-745-6269

When can I pick up my vehicle from the impound lot?

Vehicles may be picked up Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm. Times may vary due to holidays.

How much will it cost to get my vehicle released?

Impound fees are $125 plus $40 a calendar day storage. For example if your vehicle was impounded at 11:45pm on a Thursday and you come to pick it up on the next day Friday, it will be $205.

$125 + $40(Thursday)+$40(Friday) = $205.

Each day the vehicle sits in the impound lot it is an additional $40.

Prices may vary due to oversized vehicles. We ask that you please call before coming out verify the amount of current fees owed, 317-839-3804.